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         Taking place in Chicago city during the 50s, “Arnold” follows the story of character named Arnold who is a cold hearted and extremely skillful assassin. He murders anyone follow the order of Ricco Gang to have enough money to pay for medical expenses of his daughter Anne’s treatment. One day, he receives the mission from Don to murder Otto by sniper gun because he betrays the Gang. If this mission is successful, Arnold will get paid a lot of money so that he can pay for his daughter’s treatment. However, different from other missions, Don has his gang kidnapped Otto’s daughter Emily then hided her in the warehouse. He uses her as a part of his plan and also for a part of his later brutal plan. Although there are some internal struggles at first, Arnold accepts the offers and become a guard over Emily. From there, the Emily’s kindness and innocence interspersed with the reveal of his past change Arnold’s belief in what is the true value of life. This creates his irresolution in choosing between sticking to the criminal path or getting rid of this sinfulness to find the light of humanity at the end of tunnel.


         This original long version screenplay is the foundation for developing the short movie "Assassin" Project that I am working on in 2022. The "Assassin" Project has a shorter story than in the "Arnold"  but still keep some elements, the original ideas and philosophical value from this story writing. You can view the "Assassin" Storyboard in Sub-Page "Storyboard" of Page "Animation".


This is the Narrative Structure Map of "Arnold" which is used as the guideline and foundation to develop the scriptwriting for the project. I used the story circle of Professor Dan Harmon as the basis for my story development.


      "The Sudden Meet" Project is the short fun project that focuses on the unexpected encounter between a female student named Abby with a mysterious hacker through her laptop.


      This is one of the earliest script that I had written so it did not follow the true professional format yet.


      With the inspiration come from Junji Ito manga work and horror noir movies, "The Truth" is the short story about a secret behind the couple that seem to be very happy with others but actually have many creepy behind.


      This presentation has my first script that I have ever written based on some professional screenwriting format.


          "Get Outside" is the animation music video for children collaborating with Wendy & DB during the time the Chicago city started reopening after the pandemic. Taking place in America suburb, the narrative of this project is set as a cute little girl and a boy who live next door who all wake up in the morning and soon realize the beautiful sunshine outside that for everyone to go outside and enjoy. During the early scenes of the story, the screen will be split into two that represent the morning activities of these two characters (brushes teeth, taking shower, change clothes or taking breakfast) before they go outside and meet others. When they go outside, the split screen will be change into normal screen and these kids will start singing and dancing together. Their singing also encourages other kids to realize and also go outside to join with them to sing and dance along the song and rhythm.


           This story plan plays the important role as the foundation for both the storyboarding and production of the "Get Outside" music video.


    This is my future project which plan to be finished in 2020. Due to different reasons, the project is still delayed and hopefully, I can have it done in the near future. The concept is almost focus on the beautiful nature and human life in Sapa which is in the Northwest Vietnam region. This place is famous for the terrace field, waterfall and ethnic people and it beauty that I had enjoyed during the travel trip have become my inspiration for this project. 


    You can watch the teaser, character creations, model sheets and some background of this project in the Page "Animation".


    "The Interrogation" is my Additive Subtractive / Constructive Destructive short animation project that depict the interrogation of the inspector to the anonymous suspect.


     In this animation, this is the first time I create a dialogue for animated character and this art direction is very important for actor to play the character.


     You can watch the full "The Interrogation" animation at Page "Animation" of my Sites.


        Taking inspiration from real life and social matter,
The Nirvana focus on unknown monk’s fiction journey in a mysterious world after die. The Nirvana is the world where the main goal of the Buddhism monks, to eradicate the root of akusala kamma(sin)and free from samsara (life cycle). The ultimate goal of the monks is to be defenseless before nirvana to have attained nirvana but still does not hold even the state of nirvana. Throughout the journey, audience will find out a lot about metaphors about life, role of human in the world and philosophical and deep meaning behind.


    "A Chess Match" is a story about the intense conflict between the two most powerful characters of a mafia Gang during their final chess match.

This is also my first storyline for a movie that I have ever written.


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